SciLife Lab
Incoming mail
The reception handle all incoming mail, as there are no personal mailboxes. Outgoing mail is placed in the mail room, Gamma 2. For those who do not have access to this room (via access card), it is also possible to leave outgoing mail at the reception.
Internal mail used brown envelopes
Outbound mail
Outgoing mail is placed in the mail room, Gamma 2 (the room next to the elevator on floor 2). For those who do not have access to this room (via access card)please leave outgoing mail at the reception.
In the mailroom, you will find envelopes for internal mail and external mail. A box for internal mail and a box for outgoing mail.
Outgoing mail you use white envelopes + barcode
Bids and Packages
Bigger envelopes och packages arrives at SciLife good reception. Shipments to the SciLife Lab will be sent to the department to the specified parcel location.