Lectures and seminars
Sun 13 September - Wed 30 September
Seminars and lectures
Friday 2020-09-18, 15:15
Participating: Erik Ekstedt
Location: Physically at the division and streamed online
2020-09-18T15:15:00.000+02:00 2020-09-18T15:15:00.000+02:00 Second-year PhD seminar (Seminars and lectures) Physically at the division and streamed online (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Second-year PhD seminar (Seminars and lectures) -
Seminars and lectures
Friday 2020-09-25, 15:15
Participating: Nils Axelsson
Location: Physically at the division (Fantum) and streamed online
2020-09-25T15:15:00.000+02:00 2020-09-25T15:15:00.000+02:00 Grounding in human-robot interaction: two years of behaviour trees and knowledge representations (Seminars and lectures) Physically at the division (Fantum) and streamed online (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Grounding in human-robot interaction: two years of behaviour trees and knowledge representations (Seminars and lectures)