EECS internal calendar
Thu 01 June - Fri 30 June
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Thursday 2023-06-01, 13:15
Location: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm
Doctoral student: César Soto Valero , Programvaruteknik och datorsystem, SCS, ASSERT
2023-06-01T13:15:00.000+02:00 2023-06-01T13:15:00.000+02:00 Debloating Java Dependencies (Public defences of doctoral theses) D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Debloating Java Dependencies (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Friday 2023-06-02, 09:00
Location: L1, Drottning Kristinas väg 30, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Andreas Lindner , Teoretisk datalogi, TCS
2023-06-02T09:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-02T09:00:00.000+02:00 Proving Safety and Security of Binary Programs (Public defences of doctoral theses) L1, Drottning Kristinas väg 30, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Proving Safety and Security of Binary Programs (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Friday 2023-06-02, 09:00
Location: E2, Lindstedtsvägen 3, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Md Sakib Nizam Khan , Teoretisk datalogi, TCS
2023-06-02T09:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-02T09:00:00.000+02:00 Towards Privacy Preserving Intelligent Systems (Public defences of doctoral theses) E2, Lindstedtsvägen 3, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Towards Privacy Preserving Intelligent Systems (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Docent lectures
Friday 2023-06-02, 14:00
Participating: Gustav Eje Henter
Location: Fantum, Lindstedtsvägen 24
2023-06-02T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-02T14:00:00.000+02:00 Probabilistiska rörelsemodeller för animation (Docent lectures) Fantum, Lindstedtsvägen 24 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Probabilistiska rörelsemodeller för animation (Docent lectures) -
Lectures and seminars
Friday 2023-06-02, 16:00
Participating: Alexandra Kitson, Simon Fraser University
2023-06-02T16:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-02T16:00:00.000+02:00 FFF Seminar: Wearable and Immersive Technologies for Good: Designing Technology to Support Mental Health and Well-being (Lectures and seminars) FFF Seminar: Wearable and Immersive Technologies for Good: Designing Technology to Support Mental Health and Well-being (Lectures and seminars) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Monday 2023-06-05, 14:00
Location: E32, Osquars backe 2
Video link:
Doctoral student: Jin Huang , Teknisk informationsvetenskap
2023-06-05T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-05T14:00:00.000+02:00 Sequential Data Learning, Scalable Models and Adversarial Regularization (Public defences of doctoral theses) E32, Osquars backe 2 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Sequential Data Learning, Scalable Models and Adversarial Regularization (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Master thesis presentations
Wednesday 2023-06-07, 09:00 - 10:00
2023-06-07T09:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-07T10:00:00.000+02:00 Master thesis presentation (Master thesis presentations) Master thesis presentation (Master thesis presentations) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication Technology
Wednesday 2023-06-07, 13:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Rodothea Myrsini Tsoupidi , Programvaruteknik och datorsystem, SCS
2023-06-07T13:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-07T13:00:00.000+02:00 Generating Optimized and Secure Binary Code (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Generating Optimized and Secure Binary Code (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Media Technology
Wednesday 2023-06-07, 14:00
Location: Nathan Milsteinsalen, Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Valhallavägen 105
Video link:
Doctoral student: Sköld Mattias , Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, MID, Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Institutionen för komposition, dirigering och musikteori, Sound and Music Computing
2023-06-07T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-07T14:00:00.000+02:00 Sound Notation (Public defences of doctoral theses) Nathan Milsteinsalen, Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Valhallavägen 105 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Sound Notation (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Human-computer Interaction
Thursday 2023-06-08, 14:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Charles Windlin , Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, MID, Interaction Design
2023-06-08T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-08T14:00:00.000+02:00 Shape and Being Shaped (Public defences of doctoral theses) Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Shape and Being Shaped (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Thursday 2023-06-08, 14:30
Location: Alfvénsalen, F1, på KTH Campus
2023-06-08T14:30:00.000+02:00 2023-06-08T14:30:00.000+02:00 EECS Summer event (General) Alfvénsalen, F1, på KTH Campus (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)EECS Summer event (General) -
Licentiate seminars
Thursday 2023-06-08, 15:00
Location: Harry Nyquist, Malvinas väg 10, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Adrian Wiltz , Reglerteknik
2023-06-08T15:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-08T15:00:00.000+02:00 Distributed Control for Spatio-Temporally Constrained Systems (Licentiate seminars) Harry Nyquist, Malvinas väg 10, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Distributed Control for Spatio-Temporally Constrained Systems (Licentiate seminars) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Media Technology
Friday 2023-06-09, 09:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Claudio Panariello , Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, MID, Sound and Music Computing
2023-06-09T09:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T09:00:00.000+02:00 Converging Creativity (Public defences of doctoral theses) Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Converging Creativity (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Information and Communication Technology
Friday 2023-06-09, 09:00
Location: Sal-C, Kistagången 16
Doctoral student: Lodovico Giaretta , Programvaruteknik och datorsystem, SCS
2023-06-09T09:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T09:00:00.000+02:00 Towards Decentralized Graph Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) Sal-C, Kistagången 16 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Towards Decentralized Graph Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Licentiate seminars
Electrical Engineering
Friday 2023-06-09, 10:00
Location: D37, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Elis Stefansson , Reglerteknik
2023-06-09T10:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T10:00:00.000+02:00 Complexity-aware Decision-making with Applications to Large-scale and Human-in-the-loop Systems (Licentiate seminars) D37, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Complexity-aware Decision-making with Applications to Large-scale and Human-in-the-loop Systems (Licentiate seminars) -
For all employees at EECS
Friday 2023-06-09, 13:00 - 14:30
Participating: Mikael Lindström, Ann Lantz, Lars Nordström
Location: Zoom
Video link:
2023-06-09T13:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T14:30:00.000+02:00 The Deputy President on the campus review (For all employees at EECS) Zoom (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)The Deputy President on the campus review (For all employees at EECS) -
Licentiate seminars
Friday 2023-06-09, 14:00
Location: VIC-studion, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm
Doctoral student: Måns Andersson , Beräkningsvetenskap och beräkningsteknik (CST)
2023-06-09T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T14:00:00.000+02:00 Leveraging Intermediate Representations for High-Performance Portable Discrete Fourier Transform Frameworks (Licentiate seminars) VIC-studion, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Leveraging Intermediate Representations for High-Performance Portable Discrete Fourier Transform Frameworks (Licentiate seminars) -
Seminars and lectures
Friday 2023-06-09, 15:00
Participating: John Bowers, Independent Artist-Researcher and Visiting Scholar SARC, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Location: Room 1440 "Henrik Eriksson", Osquars backe 2, floor 4
Video link: Zoom link
2023-06-09T15:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-09T15:00:00.000+02:00 Many Makings (Seminars and lectures) Room 1440 "Henrik Eriksson", Osquars backe 2, floor 4 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Many Makings (Seminars and lectures) -
Lectures and seminars
Mon 2023-06-12 - Wed 2023-06-14
2023-06-12T00:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-14T23:59:00.000+02:00 Sound and Music Computing Summer School 2023 at KMH Royal College of Music (Lectures and seminars) Sound and Music Computing Summer School 2023 at KMH Royal College of Music (Lectures and seminars) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Monday 2023-06-12, 10:00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Matteo Iovino , Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL
2023-06-12T10:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-12T10:00:00.000+02:00 Learning Behavior Trees for Collaborative Robotics (Public defences of doctoral theses) Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Learning Behavior Trees for Collaborative Robotics (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Information and Communication Technology
Monday 2023-06-12, 13:00
Location: Sal C, Electrum, Kistagången 16, Kista
Video link:
Doctoral student: Dagur Ingi Albertsson , Elektronik och inbyggda system
2023-06-12T13:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-12T13:00:00.000+02:00 Spintronic and Electronic Oscillators for Magnetic Field Sensing and Ising Machines (Public defences of doctoral theses) Sal C, Electrum, Kistagången 16, Kista (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Spintronic and Electronic Oscillators for Magnetic Field Sensing and Ising Machines (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Monday 2023-06-12, 14:00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Federico Baldassarre , Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL
2023-06-12T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-12T14:00:00.000+02:00 Structured Representations for Explainable Deep Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Structured Representations for Explainable Deep Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Lectures and seminars
Tuesday 2023-06-13, 11:15 - 12:00
Participating: Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux
Location: Lecture hall D3, KTH
Video link:
2023-06-13T11:15:00.000+02:00 2023-06-13T12:00:00.000+02:00 Privacy-preserving federated learning and Center for Digital Trust (Lectures and seminars) Lecture hall D3, KTH (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Privacy-preserving federated learning and Center for Digital Trust (Lectures and seminars) -
Lectures and seminars
Tuesday 2023-06-13, 11:15 - 12:00
Location: Lecture hall D3, KTH
2023-06-13T11:15:00.000+02:00 2023-06-13T12:00:00.000+02:00 How we build digital trust at EPFL, Switzerland (Lectures and seminars) Lecture hall D3, KTH (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)How we build digital trust at EPFL, Switzerland (Lectures and seminars) -
Conferences and workshops
Tue 2023-06-13, 13:00 - Wed 2023-06-14, 14:00
Location: Runö Möten & Events
2023-06-13T13:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-14T14:00:00.000+02:00 Lunch-to-Lunch summer retreat for EECS doctoral students (Conferences and workshops) Runö Möten & Events (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Lunch-to-Lunch summer retreat for EECS doctoral students (Conferences and workshops) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Computer Science
Wednesday 2023-06-14, 15:00
Location: D3 Lindstedtsvägen 9
Video link:
Doctoral student: Jonas Haglund , Teoretisk datalogi, TCS
2023-06-14T15:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-14T15:00:00.000+02:00 Formal Verification of Peripheral Memory Isolation (Public defences of doctoral theses) D3 Lindstedtsvägen 9 (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Formal Verification of Peripheral Memory Isolation (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Electrical Engineering
Wednesday 2023-06-14, 16:00
Location: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm
Doctoral student: Yassir Jedra , Reglerteknik
2023-06-14T16:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-14T16:00:00.000+02:00 Statistical Learning in Linearly Structured Systems: Identification, Control, and Reinforcement Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Statistical Learning in Linearly Structured Systems: Identification, Control, and Reinforcement Learning (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Thursday 2023-06-15, 11:00 - 12:00
Participating: Thomas Parisini, Imperial College London & University of Trieste
Location: U1, Brinellvägen 26, floor 3, KTH Campus
Video link:
2023-06-15T11:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-15T12:00:00.000+02:00 Digital-Twins-Based Distributed Monitoring: Methodology and a Process Industry Case - a Digital Futures Distinguished lecture with Thomas Parisini (Seminar) U1, Brinellvägen 26, floor 3, KTH Campus (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Digital-Twins-Based Distributed Monitoring: Methodology and a Process Industry Case - a Digital Futures Distinguished lecture with Thomas Parisini (Seminar) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Electrical Engineering
Thursday 2023-06-15, 13:00
Location: U61, Brinellvägen 26, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Manuel Osvaldo Olguín Muñoz , Teknisk informationsvetenskap
2023-06-15T13:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-15T13:00:00.000+02:00 An Emulation-Based Performance Evaluation Methodology for Edge Computing and Latency Sensitive Applications (Public defences of doctoral theses) U61, Brinellvägen 26, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)An Emulation-Based Performance Evaluation Methodology for Edge Computing and Latency Sensitive Applications (Public defences of doctoral theses) -
Public defences of doctoral theses
Human-computer Interaction
Thursday 2023-06-15, 14:00
Location: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm
Video link:
Doctoral student: Pavel Karpashevich , Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, MID
2023-06-15T14:00:00.000+02:00 2023-06-15T14:00:00.000+02:00 Designing Monstrous Experiences Through Soma Design (Public defences of doctoral theses) D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Stockholm (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)Designing Monstrous Experiences Through Soma Design (Public defences of doctoral theses)