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Editors of external websites

The school has an external website for people that are interested in our research and education. It is run by the school's communication unit, primarily by the webmaster. Each of the school's divisions and research centres has their own websites and editors.


Charlotta Alnersson
Charlotta Alnersson officer

Editors at divisions

Communication systems (COS)

Voravit Tanyingyong
Voravit Tanyingyong lecturer

Computational science and technology (CST)

Ingemar Markström
Ingemar Markström research engineer

Decision and control systems (DCS)


Electric power and energy systems (EPE)

Umbereen Sayyeda
Umbereen Sayyeda
Xavier Weiss
Xavier Weiss doctoral student

Electronics and embedded systems (EES)

Per-Erik Hellström
Per-Erik Hellström professor

Information science and engineering (ISE)

Ragnar Thobaben
Ragnar Thobaben professor

Media technology and interaction design (MID)

Anna-Kaisa Kaila
Anna-Kaisa Kaila doctoral student

Micro and nanosystems (MST)

Meike Bleeksma
Meike Bleeksma doctoral student

Network and systems engineering (NSE)

Robert Lagerström
Robert Lagerström

Robotics, perception and learning (RPL)

Grace Hung
Grace Hung administrator

Software and computer system (SCS)

Ahmad Al-Shishtawy
Ahmad Al-Shishtawy lecturer

Space and plasma physics (SPP)

Mykola Ivchenko
Mykola Ivchenko professor

Speech, music and hearing (TMH)

Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad
Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad doctoral student

Theoretical computer science (TCS)


Editors at research centres


Cyrille Artho
Cyrille Artho associate professor

Center for cyber defense and information security

Annika Andreasson
Annika Andreasson doctoral student

Electrum laboratory

Aleksandar Radojcic
Aleksandar Radojcic research engineer


Roberto Bresin
Roberto Bresin professor


Genet Edmondson
Genet Edmondson officer


Ebrahim Shayesteh
Ebrahim Shayesteh affiliated faculty