The school's defibrillators and First Aid
First aid boards are available on all levels.
Defibrillators can be found in the following places in EECS' premises:
Teknikringen 29-35
- Level 2, Electric Power & Energy Systems-lab
- Level 3, the big kitchen Teknikringen 31/33
- Level 4, in the corridor just after the entrance, stairwell 29
- Level 4, in the corridor by the elevator, stairwell 31
Malvinas väg 10
- Level 3, the kitchen/fika room
- Level 5, in the corridor opposite A:519
- Level 6, by the mail/printer room B:613
- Level 2, student square
- Level 3, big kitchen C-elevator
- Level 3, Service Center
Teknikringen 14
- Level 4, in the corridor outside of the lunch room
- Level 6, in the corridor outside of the lunch room
Lindstedtsvägen 24
- Level 4, in the corridor just right of the entrance door
Lindstedtsvägen 3
- Level 3, in the stairwell next to the toilets
- Level 4, in the corridor by room 1421
- Level 5, in the corridor by room 1521
- Level 6, in the corridor by room 1616