Room booking for education or events
Here you will find information about how to book different rooms and venues at the EECS campi.
Classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at KTH Valhallavägen
For teaching purposes
For bookings and changes to bookings of classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at campus Valhallavägen for teaching purposes, please email the scheduling group : .
For other purposes
For bookings and changes to bookings of classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at campus Valhallavägen for other purposes, such as events, please email the KTH central room booking: . For quicker replies, consider the information found here .
Classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at KTH Kista (Electrum)
For teaching purposes
For bookings and changes to bookings of classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at campus Kista for teaching purposes, please email the scheduling group : .
For other purposes
For bookings and changes to bookings of classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums at campus Kista for other purposes, such as events, please email
In your email please specify:
- What room you would like to book
- Date and time
- Expected number of people
- The reason for the booking (e.g. defensce, conference)
- Other requests
Faculty Lounge (Electrum)

The Faculty Lounge is located on level 2, by the C lift. It may be used for VIP meetings, doctoral defence and licentiate seminar celebrations and other special acitivities. If you would like to book the lounge, please e-mail
In your e-mail, please specify:
- Date and time you wish to make a booking.
- The reason for the booking (activity).
- Name and department of contact person.
- What set-up you would like: A, B, C or D. (pdf 370 kB) . In the PDF there are four different set-ups: A-D. They offer either tall stand-up tables or sit down tables in different settings.
- NB: Please bear in mind that due to storage shortage, it is quite time consuming to furnish with the full D setting. If you can make do with fewer tables/seats than in the full setting, please inform us, to save us time and to make for a more spacious lounge.
Meeting and conference rooms
This is how you book the EECS meeting rooms .