Art and digital visualisations as a way to reach out with science - experiences from the Campus 2030-project

Welcome to the first Science Impact Talk lunchtime seminar! The talks are open to all KTH staff, primarily aimed at doctoral students and junior researchers and teaching staff.
Time: Tue 2024-04-16 12.00 - 13.00
Location: Salongen, KTH Library
Language: English
Participating: Nicole Kringos, Katarina Larsen

Register here for the lunch seminar
In this first Science Impact Talk (SIT) lunch seminar, Professor Nicole Kringos , Director of Road2Science3.0 and project leader for Campus 2030, will talk about her experience of creating impact ‘outside of the box’.
The talk will give inspiration and provide experiences from an approach of using augmented reality (AR) as a tool to present research and for broader outreach to different users. After the presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion.