Seminar with the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
The Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) recently decided on a research strategy for 2021 to 2026. On 24 March, Lars Hultman, CEO of SSF, will visit us to present the strategy and discuss it with KTH's researchers.
Time: Thu 2022-03-24 14.00 - 15.00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8
Language: English
Participating: Lars Hultman, CEO of SSF
The Foundation of Strategic Research (SSF) is keen to a dialogue with researchers and university representatives about opportunities and challenges linked to external research funding. In connection to the recently decided SSF research strategy for 2021 to 2026 ( attached here ), Lars Hultman, CEO of SSF, will visit KTH to give a 25-minute seminar on the strategy, followed by a 10-minute discussion.
"KTH's researchers are already making significant contributions with SSF's contributions. I, therefore, hope to have time to give a seminar for the college on SSF's research strategy with its various forms of funding, followed by a discussion", says Lars Hultman.