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Workshop on gender equality, diversity and equal conditions & sustainability in research collaboration

Welcome to a practical workshop on gender equality, diversity and equal conditions & sustainability in research collaboration. The workshop is given by KTH's Research Support Office.

Time: Wed 2022-06-08 10.00 - 12.00

Location: Gradängsalen, Teknikringen 1, and Zoom.

Language: English

Participating: Klara Folkesson, Karin Larsdotter, Pierre Bodin

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KTH has the ambition to be a leading technical university within research for sustainable development and a climate-neutral society. This includes to increase the integration of sustainable development and climate research in KTH's research base, to get significant and increasing external grants within sustainable development from various financiers, and to strengthen the interdisciplinary research in sustainable development.

KTH also has a set of values based on democracy, the equal value of human beings, human rights and a free and open discussion. Equality between women and men and zero tolerance against all forms of discrimination are issues of quality in education and research as well as grounding parts of KTH's principles. Gender equality, diversity, and equal conditions among employees and students alike are the basis for an inclusive as well as safe work and study environment for the university.

KTH's research can and should contribute to better living conditions and to ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable societal development. As a technical university, KTH has a special responsibility to develop and impart the knowledge needed to promote sustainable development.

In RSO's seminar series, primarily aimed at leaders of major research collaboration initiatives, on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor of Research, Annika Stensson Trigell, we invite you to a practical workshop on Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions & Sustainability in research collaboration. The outcome of this workshop will serve as input in the preparation of a coming competence course on canvas accessible for all researchers and staff at KTH.


10.00 Welcome and introduction, Annika Stensson Trigell, Vice President for Research
10.10 Presentation of the CANVAS courses in Research collaboration competence, Pierre Bodin, GVS

10.20 Block 1: JML (Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions), Klara Folkesson, GVS
10:30 Breakout session
10:50 Discussion and take-aways

11.00 Block 2: Sustainability, Karin Larsdotter, GVS
11:10 Breakout session
11.30 Discussion and take-aways
11.40 Final conclusion and next step

12:00 Lunch


Feel free to register via this link  so that we can prepare group rooms for discussions and announce program changes.


Pierre Bodin
Pierre Bodin senior officer