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How to make a budget for research scholarship

Information about the budget form to be attached to the application for a travel grant.

A budget form for research scholarship must be completed and attached to the application. Please note that the form must be entirely completed. You will find the budget form further down on this page.

  • Start by filling out the budget form before you start filling out your application.
  • Attach documentation that clearly shows how you have calculated your costs (with a print screen or a copy of the receipt if available, etc). Please make sure to mark the costs relevant for your budget, if the attached document or print screen includes additional costs.
  • Each budget item must be able to be verified.
  • Other costs must be both specified and justified.
  • Combine the budget and all documents together in one (1) single document (pdf, excel, word). Name the file "Budget research" and attach it with the application.
  • Please make sure that the budget contains all the information requested so as not to risk your application being rejected.

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to send them to .

Budget form (research) (xlsx 12 kB)