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Instruction for entering account number

Here you get to know more about what an account number is and how to enter your bank account in the application system. This applies only to Swedish bank accounts.

Bank account number

The account number consists of two parts, a clearing number and an account number. Clearing and account numbers are written in a straight sequence without hyphens, periods or spaces. Clearing numbers in Swedbank and Sparbankerna have five digits, other banks have four.

Transfer of scholarship to school

Travel scholarships and research scholarships are paid directly to your school. Payment will be made to KTH's bank giro and the money will be transferred to your school/department.

This applies to different bank accounts

SEB account

4-digit clearing number beginning with 5. The clearing number is followed by an account number consisting of 7 digits (ex 50011100011).


5 digit clearing number starting with 8. Followed by account numbers of 6, 8 or 10 digits (ex 832791110001110). If there are less than 10 digits in the account number - add zeros after the (five-digit) clearing number. Can also be a 4-digit clearing number starting with 7. The clearing number is followed by an account number of 7 digits (ex 70010011100).

Sparbanken Syd

Clearing number 9570 followed by 10 digits. If there are less than 10 digits in the account number - top up with zeros after the clearing number.

Sparbanken Öresund (formerly Sparbanken Finn och Gripen)

Clearing number 9300 or 9330 followed by 10 digits. If there are less than 10 digits in the account number - top up with zeros after the clearing number.


4-digit clearing number beginning with 6. Followed by account numbers of 9 digits. If the account number has only 8 digits, add a zero before the account number. (ex 6001011000111).

Personal account (personkonto)

Written with clearing 3300 (ex 33007810251111). A personal account consists of clearing number and social security number. Nordea 4 digit clearing number starting with 1, 3 or 4 (ex, 14051110001, 32231100011 or 41720011100).

Other banks

Skandiabanken, Ikano Bank, Forex Bank, Danske Bank and others have the same structure as the SEB account, ie a 4-digit clearing number followed by 7 digits.