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Seminar: Exploring the nature and antecedents of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context

Watch the second Sustainable Transformation Seminar of this spring season 2021: Exploring the nature and antecedents of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context.

Time: Fri 2021-04-16 12.00 - 13.00

Location: Digital

Participating: Dr Savita Verma, sustainability researcher at Lancaster university.

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About the second seminar

In this talk, I will introduce the concept of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context. The existing theories on employees’ pro-environmental or employee green behaviours (EGBs) in workplace have predominantly considered and conceptualised these behaviours to be voluntary. In my research I developed a conceptual framework on how felt responsibility and role perceptions affect employee’s engagement in sustainability and proposed a new taxonomy of EGBs. Drawing on my PhD research on supply chain sustainability and organisation behaviour in large manufacturing companies, I will provide some unique examples of lessons learned. I will also present seven EGBs for varying levels of proactiveness towards sustainability in supply chain functions, generated from case studies and theory building in an interdisciplinary research: involving in cross functional liaisons, following the criteria for sustainability integration in supply chain processes, conforming to EMS/ sustainability policy, assuming additional roles, taking charge, influencing and educating others, knowledge acquisition.

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Speaker: Dr Savita Verma, sustainability researcher at Lancaster university.

Dr Savita Verma

Savita is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Marketing at Lancaster University. She joined Lancaster University Management School following the completion of her PhD in management at the University of Leeds. She is based in the Department of Organisation, Work and Technology and the Centre for Consumption Insights. As part of her research within the Plastic Packaging in People’s Lives (PPiPL) project, she aims to contribute to reduce plastic packaging in the food supply chain by bridging the consumer attitude-behaviour gap through her work on green behaviours.

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