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Workshop: AI for Life Science @ KTH

KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Life Science Technology warmly welcomes you to a daylong workshop on artificial intelligence and machine learning for life science, health and care. The aim is to bring together academia, industry and government.

Time: Wed 2020-10-14 09.00 - 17.00

Location: Virtual event in zoom

Participating: Organisers: KTH Digitalization Platform and KTH Life Science Technology Platform

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 The event will take place on October 14, 9.00-17.00. The event will be a virtual event in zoom.

See the invitation flyer for the event here: Workshop: AI for Life Science (pdf 449 kB)

Imagine and organize a research agenda for AI in Health

Improved prediction methods in AI and machine learning are increasingly enhancing the scientific and technological progress in life science, health and care. Moreover, the recently opened Center for Health Data in Stockholm presents a unique opportunity to leverage health data to improve the healthcare system, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment.

Within this backdrop, KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Life Science warmly welcomes you to a workshop on artificial intelligence and machine learning for life science, health and care. The goal is to bring together academia, industry and government to imagine and organize a research agenda for AI in Health, for Stockholm and Sweden.


9.00–9.05 Introduction

9.05–9.55 Plenary talk by Thomas Wiegand . ITU/WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health.

9.55–10.10 Invited talk by Örjan Smedby . Digital image data and healthcare - a case for machine learning.

10.10–10.25 Invited talk by Hedvig Kjellström . AI and Social Robots - a New Way Forward in Dementia Diagnostics.

10.25–10.45 Break

10.45–11.35 Plenary talk by Søren Brunak . Combining AI and population-wide disease trajectories in N=1 precision medicine.

11.35–11.50 Invited talk by Henrik Hult . Interpolation in auto-encoders with bridge processes.

11.50–12.05 Invited talk by Jens Lagergren . Models and algorithms for somatic evolution in cancer.

12.00 –13.00 Break

13.00 –13.50 Plenary talk by Emma Lundberg . Spatiotemporal dissection of the human proteome - a crowdsourced and gamified approach.

13.50 –14.05 Invited talk by Joakim Lundeberg . Transcriptional landscapes in health and disease interpreted by AI.

14.05 –14.25 Break

14.25 –15.55 Parallel breakout sessions

16.00 –17.00 Panel Session and Wrap Up

Abstracts of talks

Abstracts of talks (pdf 588 kB)

 Program of breakout sessions

AI challenges and opportunities with Stockholm Health Data Center (pdf 82 kB)

AI and modelling for epidemiology research (pdf 109 kB)

AI and data science for diagnostics and health decision support (pdf 160 kB)

AI and Data Science Challenges in Life Science Research (pdf 463 kB)

Future of advanced AI supported imaging for life science research (pdf 406 kB)

Complete program

Complete workshop program with abstracts and breakout sessions (pdf 378 kB)

Panel "The future of AI for Life Science in Sweden"

These are confirmed panel members:

  • Maja Fjaestad, State Secretary, Ministry for Health and Social Affairs
  • Clara Hellner, research and innovation director for Region Stockholm

  • Jenni Nordborg, National Coordinator for Life Science
  • Dan Hill, Vinnova, Director of Strategic Design
  • Louise Callenberg, SKR, Head of section digital collaboration and renewal
  • Peder Blomgren, Astra Zeneca, VP and Head of data Office, R&D

Workshop related funding opportunities

Please find here our search result of workshop related funding opportunities (May 2020).


Register here  before 12 October. 

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Oct 13, 2020