Workshop related funding opportunities
At Wednesday 14 October, 9.00-15.00 KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Life Science Technology warmly welcomes you to a daylong workshop on artificial intelligence and machine learning for life science, health and care. For this workshop we here provide additional information that could be relevant for the participants. The information consists of workshop related funding opportunities (May 2020).
Find the workshop here .
RA-Net CHIST-ERA invites proposals for its joint research call. This promotes novel and multidisciplinary research with the potential to lead to significant long-term technology breakthroughs. The aim is to reinforce European capabilities in emerging topics by supporting high risk and high impact research projects. This call will address the following topics:
- advanced brain-computer interfaces for novel interactions;
- towards sustainable information and communication technology
Closing date: 14 feb 2021
Read more (Research Professional).
Ninth Switzerland-Sweden joint R&D call
EUREKA invites project outlines for its ninth Switzerland-Sweden joint R&D call. This supports joint Swiss-Swedish innovation projects under all suitable EUREKA instruments within the focus topic of digitisation. Subtopics that are of interest for joint innovation projects are as follows:
- industrial internet of things;
- non-industrial internet of things;
- artificial intelligence;
- big data;
- sensor informatic and control;
- 5G;
- visualisation of complex information and data sets;
- cyber security;
- photonics.
Deadline 20 Nov 2020
Read more (Research Professionals).
Advancing Healthcare Through AI Across Sweden and India
Bilateral cooperation with India within health and AI
Deadline 29 Aug 2020 (!)
European Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects with India in Health and AI.
Deadline 30 june 2020
CEF-TC-2020-2 Connecting Europe Facility Telecom call
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency invites proposals for its CEF-TC-2020-2 Connecting Europe Facility Telecom call. This aims to support cross-border digital infrastructure in areas of public interest by triggering the digital transformation of public sector services in the members states for the benefits of citizens and businesses. The following topics are available under this call:
- business registers interconnection system (BRIS), with a budget worth €2 million;
- cybersecurity, with a budget worth €10.5m;
- eArchiving, with a budget worth €1m;
- eHealth, with a budget worth €5m;
- eProcurement, with a budget worth €3m;
- European digital media observatory, with a budget worth €9m;
- European platform for digital skills and jobs, with a budget worth €2.5m;
- public open data, with a budget worth €3m.
Daedline November 5, 2020
H2020-ECSEL-2020-3-RIA-IMI-ECSEL joint activity call
The European Commission Horizon 2020: Industrial Leadership, the ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the Innovative Medicines Initiative invite proposals for their H2020-ECSEL-2020-3-RIA-IMI-ECSEL joint activity call. This supports next generation digital technologies for clinical trials at home. Projects should address the technical, regulatory, compatibility and acceptability issues that currently block endorsement by pharma and hospitals for clinical trials at home:
- lack of accuracy compared to clinical instruments;
- data integration into the workflow of hospitals and pharma;
- user friendliness;
- data security and privacy;
- patch to patch communication.
Activities should establish new knowledge and explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service, method, tool or solution. Activities may include applied research, technology development and method or tool integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment.
Proposals may take the form of research and innovation actions, which require participation by at least three legal entities; each established in a each established in a different EU member state or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other. Consortia may consist of SMEs, large enterprises, universities, institutes and public organisations. Projects may have up to 50 participants.
The total budget is worth €5 million. Grants are worth up to €5 million at a 50 per cent co-funding rate for up to three years.
Deadline 1 Dec 2020
CloudiFacturing, DE
CloudiFacturing invites applications for its open call. This supports experiments in cloudification of production engineering for predictive digital manufacturing. This aims to bring new requirements to CloudiFacturing, new solutions to end users, and digital marketplace customers. The participants will:
- investigate and gather experience with high performance computing for their use case;
- explore technical benefits, for example better assessment of the producibility and production process optimisation by more accurate simulation results;
- exploit information discovered in factory data to improve processes;
- assess cloud-based business settings and their impact;
- leverage the CloudiFacturing digital marketplace being developed as a new distribution channel.
Experiments that simulate manufacturing processes or manufacturing tools, leverage factory data to learn from it and optimise manufacturing processes or manufacturability of goods are especially welcome.
Consortia consisting of at between two and five partners including an end user and a software vendor or value added reseller may apply. Third parties must be located in different European countries or associated countries.
The total budget is approximately €700,000 for seven experiments and funding is worth up to €100,000 per experiment over 12 months.
Deadline 30 sep 2020
Joint call for collaborative projects for better health
Swelife and Medtech4Health invite proposals for their joint call for collaborative projects for better health. This supports collaborative innovation projects with potential to improve prevention, diagnosis, monitoring or treatment, in order to promote innovation for better healthcare and sustainable growth in the life science sector in Sweden.
Legal persons from the healthcare or private sectors or academia, established in Sweden, may apply. Consortia must consist of at least two partners from different sectors who are independent of each other. International partners may participate in projects, but may not act as project coordinators. They may also not receive funding.
Grants are worth up to SEK 3 million. Eligible costs are covered to up to 20 per cent for large companies, up to 50 per cent for SMEs, and up to 100 per cent for not-for-profit organisations.
Deadline 28 nov 2020