SEEEP PhD Summer School 2021
On-line School on Energy Transition: Pathways towards net zero. 16-27 August 2021.
Time: Mon 2021-08-16 - Fri 2021-08-27
Location: Online
The yearly 2-week Energy PhD school organized by KTH Stockholm and TU Eindhoven will take place
between 16 and 27 August. The theme of the PhD school this year is “Energy Transition: Pathways towards net zero”.
Students will have a schedule with lectures and project work in an international working environment where students from European Universities as well as Chinese Universities will participate. Selected high level lectures will be given by expert Professors from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and TU Eindhoven on topics encompassing energy production and consumption, renewable energy technology, sustainability, energy storage technology and energy grids and conversion. This year, the course will be on-line. The work load is 4 ECTS. CLUSTER students are eligible to apply to the school with a CV and a motivation letter. Students will be selected based on their application.
Please upload your application no later than June 30, 2021 to this web forum:
Find the program here: SEEEP2021 Program Summer School. (pdf 147 kB)