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How to strengthen KTH's Energy Research through collaboration:

Internal workshop on Future Energy Technologies and Open questions

Time: Thu 2022-06-09 09.00 - 12.00

Location: Loungen, Teknikringen 10B


Björn Laumert Head of the CSP Group

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Joint KTH internal workshop Energy Research:
How we can strengthen the profile and impact of KTH research in the field of Energy Technology. The goal is to get insights in ongoing research activities on high impact technologies and to discuss how to address open questions together across traditional subject and organizational boundaries.
Professor Lars Nordström will moderate the workshop and guide our discussions.
We will have short presentations to inspire our discussions:
Scenarios for the Swedish Energy market and the potential role of different future technologies in it (Lennart Söder) 30 minutes including Q&A

The role of electrochemical energy conversion: advances and research trends in electrolysers, fuels cells and batteries (Göran Lindberg) 30 minutes including Q&A

Potential applications of SMR nuclear reactors, recent developments and open questions (Pär Olsson) 30 minutes including Q&A

Fika 10 minutes

Heat pumps, disctrict heating, waste, biomass and BECCS integration: what are the challenges for the Swedish heating system (Björn Laumert) 30 minutes including Q&A
40 minutes group discussions follow.

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Last changed: Jun 01, 2022