About the platform
KTH Industrial Transformation Platform aims to support and catalyse interdisciplinary research in industrial transformation and develop new products and services for a sustainable society. An important goal is facilitating interaction between expertise at KTH and external partners within academia, public organisations and companies interested in research about Industrial Transformation.
- In January 2019, KTH decided to establish a new research platform: Industrial Transformation.
- KTH's platform for Industrial Transformation is one of KTH's six prioritised research areas.
- The platform will bring together all KTH researchers who, in various ways, support the industry's transition to a sustainable, CO2-neutral business with strengthened competitiveness.
- The UN climate panel's report (October 2018) shows that we only have a decade to meet the 1.5-degree target. Here, the platform can contribute to directing research towards important areas such as product development and production, where new knowledge helps and accelerates the industry's transition towards increased resource efficiency and reduced fossil dependence.
- Digitalisation, new technologies and the transition from linear to circular thinking, where we extend the life of our materials and products, are critical to achieving the necessary transformation. Also crucial are the leadership and the ability to industrially implement the new solutions.
- The platform will strengthen and visualise the research already underway at KTH that contributes to the platform's vision. It will also serve as a lubricant and catalyst for launching new research and new initiatives that support industrial transformation.
- KTH's platform for Industrial Transformation collaborates with KTH's other existing platforms in Energy, Digitalisation, Materials, Transport and Life Science.
Operational activities are run by the
Industrial Transformation Platform team
. The team is managed by the
Platform steering group
, consisting of the heads of schools and the KTH vice president responsible for
KTH's Research Platforms
Contact the platform team
Reference Group
The reference group acts as an advisory body to the KTH Industrial Transformation Platform.