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New interview series: Adjunct Professor Lennart Harnefors


Published Aug 23, 2022

The KTH Digitalization Platform has started a new interview series with adjunct professors in the field of digitalisation. First up is Lennart Harnefors at KTH/ABB.

In which department at ABB are you working and where are you an adjunct professor at KTH?

Lennart Harnefors. Foto: KTH

"ABB, Department of Energy Conversion, Corporate Research, Västerås. Adjunct Professor at Electric Power Engineering, KTH (position ends March 2023)," Lennart Harnefors  says.

What is your research area and how does it relate to the business at ABB?

"My research area is Power Conversion Control and Optimization, where I hold the position as Corporate Research Fellow. It is in a nutshell about the control and design of systems involving power converters connected to the electrical grid and/or to electrical machines. There is much business in this field within ABB, for example motor drives in various applications and systems interfacing renewable energy sources."

What do you think are the next large (research) challenges you and ABB will face in the future and why? Is there an opportunity for KTH researchers that work in the digitalisation domain to help? What competences are you looking for?

"Among the challenges at hand we find condition monitoring and fault detection/prevention. Here we are looking for competences in signal processing, control engineering, and artificial intelligence. Candidates should preferably also have domain knowledge, at the very least they should be eager to acquire domain knowledge and interact with those who already have."

What would be good ways to enhance the collaboration between KTH researchers and ABB/you?

"Joint PostDoc, PhD, and Master’s projects are very suitable."

How can we approach you and ABB best?

"Please contact me or my colleagues who are also part-time with KTH directly."

Lennart Harnefors Google Scholar profile

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Last changed: Aug 23, 2022