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18th European PhD School: "Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Energy Control and

Registration deadline is May 8th, 2017 at 2 p.m. (CET).

Published Apr 26, 2017

The 18th edition of the European PhD School: "Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Energy Control and Power Systems" is approaching. Please inform PhD students, young researchers and recent graduates about this opportunity.

Registration deadline: May 8th, 2017 at 2 p.m. (CET)

Lecturers: we invited executives from industries and excellences from academia as lectures, such as:

  • Tobias Geyer (ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland)
  • Frede Blaabjerg (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Jürgen Biela (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Rajib Datta (General Electric Global Research Center)
  • Andreas Falk (SMA Solar Technology AG)
  • Vijay Anantham Ganesan (Siemens AG)
  • Alfred Rufer (EPFL, Switzerland)
  • Wolfgang Weydanz (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Bert Witkamp (AVERE Europe)
  • Alex Ruderman (Nazarbayev University)
  • Radu Bojoi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Please visit the official website  for detailed information. Information is also given by the Secretariat Office:

Poster Session + Recruitment Session: last year PhD’s will present their research activities to other PhD’s and to company delegates the first day of the School week. After the session, a meeting between PhD’s and company delegates will be organised for recruitment and internships. First and second year PhD’s will present their activities in a separated poster session scheduled the third and forth day of the School week.

Live Demos: during the second day of the PHD School special “Live Demos” will run, to show tools and equipments dedicated to Educational Programs. 

PhD School Award 2017: ANAE and ECPE will sponsor the 2017 Edition European PhD School Award. A special commission will examine posters presented during poster sessions and will select the best poster, on the basis of the presentation and research contents. The Award of 500,00 € will be assigned during the Monday evening banquet.

ECTS credits: from 2017 edition it is mandatory to pass the PhD Final Evaluation Test to achieve ECTS certification. Final test will be scheduled just after the last lecture of May 26th, 2017. Alternatively, a certification of attendance will be issued.

The European PhD School is organised by University of Cassino and South Lazio (Italy), ANAE (Italian Association of Electrical Drives) and ECPE (European Center of Power Electronics), in cooperation with CMAEL and GUSEE for Italy. The School is open to all international PhD’s, your researchers and R&D staff of private companies. Official language is English.

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Last changed: Apr 26, 2017