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Open data at KTH – interview with Jonas from KTH Live-In Lab

Published Apr 29, 2020

KTH Live-In Lab is an initiative that receives strategic action funding from KTH DIGI, to promote data-sharing on campus. Charlie Gullström interviewed its Director Jonas Anund Vogel.

Jonas, why is it important for KTH researchers to share data?

–A shared database would be a great asset for several research projects but in particular I think it would increase collaboration between researchers across our different schools. Today, many of us work a little in silos but the same data can actually be used in many different research contexts. One researcher might use it for building optimization, another to explore data privacy issues.

How is the database developing?

–We will soon get the first prototype from Patrik Blonqvist, at KTH IT, so we will see! It will be tested on the two cases, KTH Live In Lab and Senseable Stockholm Lab (link). If it proves successful the next phase is to engage more researchers and also to start looking into applications

What are the pressing issues?

–The legal aspects of collecting, sharing and storing vasts amounts of data, for sure are very important to address. We just had a meeting on this topic with the legal departments at KTH and Stockholm University, together with the colleagues at Senseable Stockholm Lab.

Go to KTH Live-In Lab webpage.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Apr 29, 2020