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Reporting incidents, risks, and occupational injuries

Is your office too dark and can cause eyesight issues? Did you hurt yourself on a toxic liquid in the lab? We take your work environment seriously, and no risk or injury is too small to report.

The employer is, according to the Work Environment Act and AFS 2001:1, Systematic Work Environment Management, obliged to examine, to carry out and to follow up activities in a way that prevents both ill health and occupational injuries and for creating a satisfactory work environment. Employees are obliged to participate in the systematic work environment management, and should therefor report incidents, risks and occupational injuries in order to prevent them from happening again. Reports should be made within 48 hours. However, if more than 48 hours has passed, it’s important to register the report anyway!

Read more about how to report, and which insurances cover injuries:

Reporting incidents, risks, and occupational injuries at KTH

Note! If exposure of covid-19 has been made in connection with work, you should do a:

What are incidents, risks and occupational injuries?

Occupational injury and disease

All accidents, injuries or illness which occurs as a result of work or working conditions are included. Both physical and psychosocial occupational injuries and diseases should be reported.

Examples of occupational injuries and diseases: accidents that happens in or to/from work, decreased hearing due to noise, fall injuries, burnout


A situation where no one has been harmed, however, it could have resulted in ill health or an accident. 

Examples of incidents: handling carcinogenic substances with inadequate ventilation, threat situations, conflicts at the workplace, excessive work load


A risk refers to a situation in which neither an incident nor an occupational injury has occurred, but where there is a risk that it could happen.

Example of risk: blocked emergency exit, loose tile.