
Certificate of Registration
Doctoral students can generate certificates from Ladok (the student administrative system) themselves using the link: www.student.ladok.se/student/app/studentwebb/intyg . This webpage can also be accessed via Services when logged in to kth.se, and then select Certificates under Ladok for students.
Click on Create Certificate and choose Certificate of Registration. By selecting Registrations for a specific period, you can limit the information that will be included in the certificate. However, due to an update in Ladok, Study Activity and Financing can only be added to the certificate if you choose All registrations sorted by program (or equivalent).
Please note that the generated certificate is an original document. It can be verified by the recipient using the information provided at the bottom of the certificate.
Transcript of Records
Doctoral students can generate transcripts from Ladok (the student administrative system) themselves using the link: www.student.ladok.se/student/app/studentwebb/intyg . This webpage can also be accessed via Services when logged in to kth.se, and then select Certificates under Ladok for students.
Click on Create Certificate and choose Transcript of Records.
Please note that the digitally generated transcript is an original document. It can be verified by the recipient using the information provided at the bottom of the transcript.
SSSB (Stockholm Studenters Stiftelse för Bostäder)
Starting from April 2020, SSSB accepts digitally issued certificates of registration for housing applications. Signatures and stamps are no longer required. Doctoral students can generate certificates of registration themselves by following the instructions above.
Other Certificates
The school's administration can only issue certificates based on information that can be confirmed in our systems, including Ladok, HR+, etc. For other certificates, please contact your supervisor.