Registration on doctoral thesis
As a doctoral student at KTH you must register on your doctoral/licentiate thesis. You need to register at the start of your studies and the start of every calendar half-year during your studies.

Registering as a newly admitted Doctorial Student
At admission to doctoral studies at KTH and when the admission is registered in the study documentation system Ladok, you need to register on the first period of your doctoral/licentiate thesis. The registration means that you confirm your participation in your doctoral studies. Registration is open from a week before the start of your studies until two months after.
You will find the web registration function in Ladok . To log in and register, you need a KTH account.
If you need assistance regarding registration, you are welcome to contact
Continuous registration on your doctoral/licentiate thesis every half-year
Continuous registration shows that you are conducting research studies during your research education, which needs to be done every half-year.
You will find the web registration function in Ladok , where you will register for your doctoral/licentiate thesis the same way you register for courses. For information about course registration, see Course registration .
If your doctoral studies started before 1 January 2022, you will see 0 hp for each half-year study period. KTH has decided not to specify the scope of the thesis, since the registration does not equal demands on achievement. You will also see the amount of study periods, for example, 2 of 2. It means that there are two study periods entered in Ladok for you and you are registering on the last of those periods. If you continue to study after this, new study periods will be added for the upcoming half-years.
If you lack a study period to register on, or have questions about your studies in Ladok, you are welcome to contact