Changes concerning department heads and other positions
Published Dec 18, 2018
Head of School
Leif Kari will assume the position of Vice President for Education during the spring and will therefore quit his position as Head of SCI School.
Head of department
- New department: Fredrik lundell has been appointed as the head of the new joint department consisting of Aeronautical & Vehicle Engineering, Solid Mechanics and Mechanics, during the period 2019-07-01 - 2022-12-31.
- Applied Physics: Oscar Tjernberg has been appointed as Head of Applied Physics 2019-01-01 – 2022-12-31.
- Mathematics: Boualem Djehiche, Deputy head of Mathematics, has been extended until 2019-12-31.
- Mechanics: Lanie Gutierrez Farewik has been appointed as Head of Mechanics department 2019-01-01–2019-06-30.
Anders Dahlkild has been appointed as Deputy Head of Mechanics department 2019-01-01–2019-06-30.
- Administration: Magnus Lindell is Anna-Karin Burströms successor and the new Group manager of the TR8 Administration department.
- Anna-Karin Ljung is a new financial EU-administrator at the SCI School since 2019-01-07.
- Kristina Hallengren Nilsson is new financial administrator at TR8.
- Caroline Andreassen has replaced Elin Wiljergård Plith who is on leave until 30th of June 2019, as international coordinator for incoming exchange students.
- Sefora Deb has replaced Tysse Norlindh Falk in the Physics administration department as a department administrator for the Department of Physics.
- Sofia Harrison Edgren, Educational Administrator in the Department of Mathematics has replaced Celie Geira.