Impact day at SCI: Succeed with your H2020 applications
Now it's time for this year's third and final Impact Arrangement at the SCI School where you can learn how to succeed with your H2020 applications while you are having lunch.
Date: September 21 11:30-13:30
Venue: Hall U41, Brinellvägen 28A, Undervisningshuset, 6th floor, KTH Campus - See map
Target group: Researchers at SCI School
Speaker: Susanna Pehrson, Research Office, KTH
Organiser: SCI Impact responsibles together with Research Office, KTH.
Registration: By this link no later than September 19:
Lunch will be served!
Seminar including group discussion on relevant H2020 announcements and how impact can be included in the project application. Interesting group discussions linked to relevant H2020 announcements.
Please contact SCI Impact responsible if you have any questions.
Zuheir Barsoum and Val Zwiller
Impact responsible SCI School