The campus move: how teachers will be affected

The move from Kista to Valhallavägen is expected to affect teachers' daily work in several ways. The aim is to bring KTH together, improve collaboration opportunities, and strengthen teaching and research.
"We have a good understanding of how teaching will be conducted from next academic year. Which courses will be held on which campuses are mapped out," explains deputy head of division Gunnar Malm, also project manager for the Kista campus move. He describes how the project has gone from being a source of dissatisfaction to something more forward-looking: "After discussions with the student union, we are now looking ahead and are determined to do this in the best possible way."
A new era for KTH
The move is expected to affect teachers' daily work in several ways.
"It's not just about physically changing premises, but about creating an environment where teachers can achieve a better balance between teaching and research," says Gunnar Malm. He emphasises the importance of a common focal point for expertise: "All teachers on the same campus can strengthen our subject expertise."
Markus Hidell, First Deputy Head of School and Director of First and Second Cycle Education highlights the three dimensions to consider when working on the school’s educational offer.
"Subject content, economy in relation to dimensioning and quality must interact for us to remain successful. We need to maintain the spirit and the will to create high-quality education, which is present in the faculty," he says.
In parallel, educational programmes across KTH are improved and adapted to resources and infrastructure. "We are looking at the number of self-study spaces and group rooms to determine how to utilise our facilities better. It is important that they are adapted for both teachers and students," Gunnar Malm adds.
They are also working to meet specific needs, adds Markus Hidell: "With the move, we are reviewing the teachers' working environment to create a balance between teaching and research. In addition, we need to make sure that all the premises support the pedagogical requirements."
Communication and support to teachers during this transition phase are provided regularly. In the first instance, communication occurs via the Directors of Studies and at internal meetings such as staff meetings. "It is important to keep everyone informed and engaged. We have regular updates via our management councils and special occasions like Teachers' Day in August. I also hope that the Faculty Board will strengthen the organisation's influence in the work and play an important role in negotiating new decisions," says Markus Hidell.
If you have specific needs, wishes and ideas, you can always raise them with the project management.
What the future looks like
The move is more than just a logistical operation. It also offers the potential for significant improvements. "By having everyone in the same place, we hope to increase collaboration and create new opportunities for teachers and students. If we succeed, we can better fulfil our educational mission and create a better balance between teaching and research," says Markus Hidell.
Text: Charlotta Alnersson