Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is a university-wide body for KTH’s work on quality development and collegial dialogue. The majority of members are scientifically skilled and are appointed through elections among the teachers and the researchers.

Responsibilities and tasks
- Overall responsibility for developing the quality of KTH’s education, research and collaborations, as well as in the recruitment and promotion process for appointments to teaching staff.
- Manages and develops KTH’s quality assurance system for the above purposes and prepares governing documents regarding the conditions necessary to ensure the quality of each area of activity.
- Tasks assigned by the President and the decision-making rights delegated by the President.
Overall quality development responsibility for:
- Acting as an advisory body to the President on strategic and ethical issues.
- Acting as a link between KTH’s management and KTH’s teachers and researchers.
- Creating good conditions for interdisciplinary collegial dialogue.
Composition and term of office
The Faculty Council consists of 13 members:
- Seven members, of whom one serves as chairperson (designated by the Dean of Faculty) and one serves as vice chairperson (designated by the Vice Dean of Faculty), are employed as professors or associate professors.
- Three members are employed by an employer other than KTH.
- Three members represent the students.
- Three representatives appointed by the employees’ organisations have the right to attend and express opinions.
The listed persons are Members of the Faculty Council during the term of office 2024-2027.
Chair and Deputy Chair

Employed as professors or associate professors

External members

Student representatives

Representatives appointed by the employees’ organisations
