News in sustainability
KTH Innovation among Europe's best
“Many of Sweden's most promising startups emerge from KTH and it's great that this is being recognized” says Lisa Ericsson, head of KTH Innovation, next to Anders Söderholm, KTH's president (Photo: KTH) Published Feb 27, 2025Latest Financial Times ranking places KTH Innovation among the best startup hubs in Europe. Particularly good marks are given to the efforts in sustainability.
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Researchers unite to Advance AI
Published Feb 20, 2025The latest developments in AI and cybersecurity took centre stage at an event held in KTH’s robotics lab. Leading researchers from KTH explored opportunities, challenges, and the impact of rapid techn...
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Bridging continents: Interest in sustainability led student to Japan
KTH student Armin Moghiman represented Sweden and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in a prestigious exchange program in Japan recently. Published Feb 14, 2025KTH student Armin Moghiman represented Sweden and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Japan, by participating in a prestigious exchange programme aimed at empowering students to lead the global susta...
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The facility that links to EU quantum communications
Dena Wibowo, research engineer, demonstrates the new facility (Photo: Malin Persson Mörk) Published Feb 11, 2025A pilot quantum communications facility has been inaugurated at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). It will serve as Sweden's launching platform for the new EU quantum communications network.
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Scania cooperation shows promise of remanufactured products
The people behind the successful implementation of remanufactured gearboxes in new truck production at Scania AB: from left, Michael Lieder, Business Developer at Scania, Christer Wilhelmsson, workshop manager at Scania, Kevin Karlsson, Industrial Engineer at Scania, Farazee Asif and Jonny Gustafsson, researchers at KTH, and Jens Edberg, Manager Manufacturing at Scandinavian Transmission Service AB. Published Feb 10, 2025Scania last year made automotive history by incorporating remanufactured components into the production of new trucks. This innovative move, supported by research from KTH Royal Institute of Technolog...
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Milestone for lead-cooled reactors
KTH staff at the event in Oskarshamn: Elina Charatsidou, Pär Olsson and Janne Wallenius. Published Feb 07, 2025This week, Oskarshamn was the scene of an important step for nuclear power with the start of construction of an electrically heated prototype for a future nuclear reactor. The company Blykalla and KTH...
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AI fixes security flaws – KTH wins prestigious award
Published Feb 07, 2025Can AI fix security flaws before hackers strike? KTH researchers say yes—and their breakthrough won the Best Paper Award 2023 from IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. By using AI to automate se...
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Alternative to studded winter tires reduces airborne particles by 20 percent
Beyond keeping cars from losing control studded tires also pulverize the pavement - generating micro-particles that go deep into the body when inhaled. Researchers have developed a metal that does less damage to the road surface. (Photo: David Callahan) Published Feb 05, 2025On icy roads, studded winter tires can save lives – but they pulverize pavement and fill the air with dangerous, inhalable particles. A new study shows that both road wear and airborne particles could...
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Clean fusion energy: important step forward in efforts to stabilise plasma
After months of preparation, KTH has reached an exciting milestone in its fast-moving effort to build a reactor that can create and control the magnetic field required to keep super-hot plasma in place. Photo: Torbjörn Bergkvist Published Jan 30, 2025KTH has, in collaboration with Novatron Fusion Group (NFG), reached an exciting milestone in a fast-moving clean fusion energy project. After months of preparation, the research team has recently succ...
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Supergroup collaboration for the powertrains of the future
AI-generated image. Published Jan 30, 2025Centre X is a new initiative in the field of Production Engineering, led by KTH and Chalmers. Bringing together major stakeholders from academia and industry, the centre will create innovative powertr...
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Compact living helps reach climate targets
What is a reasonable size of a home if we are to be in line with climate goals? Sustainability researcher Pernilla Hagbert will investigate this in a study (Photo: Josefin Backman) Published Jan 29, 2025Swedes should live smaller - for the sake of the climate. But how cramped are we willing to live? Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology will investigate this in a study on the limits of our...
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Energy technology that cuts emissions
Monika Ignatowicz, PhD student at the Department of Energy Technology in front of a self-built prototype of a HTHP pump. Published Jan 29, 2025The principle and technology are similar to those found in refrigerators, tumble dryers and ice rinks. However, high temperature heat pumps (HTHP) are based on a more advanced and powerful technology ...
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Focus on gender equality and technology meet in new KTH initiative
Pia Höök is the director of the newly started InspireLab. Published Jan 28, 2025InspireLab is a new centre at KTH. Through research funding and knowledge dissemination, the centre aims to serve as a catalyst for technology and innovation that strengthens gender equality in societ...
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Financial Times lists article by Christian Thomann at INDEK as highly recommended
Study on ship sliming suggests way to reduce costs in ocean transport
Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology developed a model for estimating the speed and extent of biofilm growth, which could enable ship operators to schedule hull cleaning at optimal intervals to save on fuel consumption. (Photo: David Callahan) Published Jan 20, 2025Slime build-up is a costly drag on fuel efficiency for ocean-going cargo ships, leading to more emissions and, eventually, higher consumer prices. A recent study, however, suggests a new approach to m...
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He aims for innovative technology in medicine
Joakim Lundeberg receives 30 million kronor from the Swedish Research Council to build a strong research environment in molecular biology (Photo: Wallenberg Foundations) Published Jan 14, 2025Joakim Lundeberg, professor of molecular biotechnology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, has received just over 30 million kronor from the Swedish Research Council's distinguished professor grant ...
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AI better at detecting ovarian cancer
Emir Konuk and other researchers have shown that AI outperforms human experts in identifying ovarian cancer on ultrasound images (Photo: KTH) Published Jan 13, 2025AI-based models are better than human experts at identifying ovarian cancer via ultrasound images. This is the result of a study by researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and KI.
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Increased demand for electricity requires new solutions and innovations
Measuring voltage in a modular multilevel converter prototype. (Photo: Emelie Smedslund) Published Jan 08, 2025The Swedish electricity system is changing. Electricity is now being produced in places where there have traditionally been no power lines, such as wind farms or offshore wind power. Consumption is al...
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New on-going project: Muddy terrains of environmental expertise
Published Dec 20, 2024Freshwater is an increasingly acute issue for cities in the context of the multifaceted climate crisis. In response to this, restoration of freshwater urban ecosystems is gaining momentum. However, re...
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Part 1: Remembering Our Roots, Re-connecting to the Ocean, and Reflecting on Our Prio
Published Dec 20, 2024Authored by Gauri Salunkhe, based on her experiences during her 4.5 month field work in Fiji for her Master’s thesis project. This is part 1 of a two-part article that introduces the community-managed...
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