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Grön BoStad Stockholm granted an additional 15 million SEK

Published Dec 11, 2018

The Grön BoStad Stockholm platform is working to strengthen sustainable urban development in the housing sector. The Structural Funds Partnership Stockholm have now decided to invest another 15 million SEK from the EU Regional Development Fund in the project.
One aim with the new investment is to strengthen the conditions for growth among the county's environmental technology companies.

Within the Grön BoStad Stockholm platform, the Stockholm County Administrative Board, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Sustainable Innovation focus on establishing test and demo facilities and making them available. Green BoStad also works to strengthen sustainability and social demands in procurement, and to increase knowledge transfer and collaboration between academia, industry, the public sector and civil society.

The platform consists of four interconnected subprojects: test beds, procurement, arena and knowledge.


Film: What is Grön BoStad Stockholm?