KTH Climate Action Centre mobilises forces
Speeding up climate action

Global environmental action is headed in the right direction, but it’s progressing too slowly, states Francesco Fuso Nerini, Director of KTH Climate Action Centre.
“We need a swift and radical reduction of emissions, and everyone knows that there’s no magical technology that can solve these problems. That’s why KTH Climate Action Centre’s researchers are focusing on changing society at a system level”.
The increase in worldwide greenhouse gas emissions has been at a record high for the last 20 years, despite international pledges to radically reduce them. And when the UN’s climate panel IPCC reported on the state of international environmental work this spring, countries were urged to speed up their climate action work at a system level.
“Covid-19 has shown us that major societal changes can be implemented quickly if countries invest sufficient resources into solving problems at hand. If the same type of global mobilization and focus during the pandemic were to go into climate action work, then we’d be in a completely different situation for the environment,” says Francesco Fuso Nerini , Director of KTH Climate Action Centre.

KTH Climate Action Centre brings together an increasing amount of researchers (currently around 40) from KTH’s various schools, in order to jointly accelerate the development of climate action measures in society.
“Although new environmental technologies do make a difference, technology cannot stand alone –we need to change society as a whole. We have to change industrial and social structures, and influence environmental policy solutions,” says Francesco Fuso Nerini.
As an example, he mentions KTH’s ongoing research project in collaboration with the World Bank , which aims to support climate and energy access planning in low-income countries.
“I am pleased to say that several of our research projects manage to link climate measures with actions that actively fight poverty.”
“We researchers gain influence by making information available. Through collaboration with
politicians, business and decision-makers, our multidisciplinary research can influence the development of society in a positive direction.”
What are the future plans for the centre’s activities?
“We are working towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Swedish Climate Act deadline: By 2045, Sweden plans to reach net-zero emissions and we work with partners in business and policy to support that vision. The Climate Action Centre’s Deputy Director Karin Larsdotter and I are working to attract more students to join our activities this autumn, and interest is expected to grow. We’re counting on growing.”
Katarina Ahlfort
Francesco Fuso Nerini's debate article "We know what we should be doing to solve the climate crisis, so why aren’t we doing it?”