Sverker Sörlin is awarded IVA's Great Gold Medal

Sverker Sörlin, Professor in Environmental History at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, has been awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' (IVA) Great Gold Medal this year for his outstanding achievements. It is one of the most honorable awards within the engineering sciences in Sweden, and Sverker was the first KTH professor in 30 years to recieve it.
For the past century, IVA has awarded the Grand Gold Medal and the Gold Medal annually to individuals who, through outstanding contributions in technology, economics, business and society, have contributed to create a better society. IVA's patron, HM King of Sweden, hands out the medal at IVA's annual ceremony on October 29 2021. This year's recipients of the Gold Medal are physicist Sara Mazur, physicist Lars Börjesson and physician and researcher Mikael Dolsten.
Sverker Sörlin is awarded the Grand Gold Medal "for his outstanding achievements as an innovative researcher, research leader and active public debater and for his significant contributions and deep commitment to research and higher education."
Sverker Sörlin is professor of Environmental History in the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. His ongoing research includes the historical and contemporary science politics of climate change, the cryosphere, and the Anthropocene. He currently directs the European Research Council Advanced Grant project SPHERE – Study of the Planetary Human Earth Relationship: The Rise of Global Environmental Governance (2018-2023) . Among his recent books are the co-edited Grounding Urban Natures: Histories and Futures of Urban Ecologies (MIT Press 2019), and Ice Humanities: Living, Thinking and Working with Ice (Manchester University Press, 2022), and the forthcoming The Human Environment: Stockholm and the Rise of Global Environmental Governance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2022, with Eric Paglia).