The stock market makes a contribution to climate action

KTH Climate Action Centre, The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation and The Baltic Salmon Foundation have each received a third of a donation from the digital bank Nordnet and its customers. On April 1, it was time to receive the diplomas from the Re:turn initiative.
Through the Re:turn initiative Nordnet, together with their biggest owner Öhman, wants to support organisations making important contributions to the environment. They therefore donate a small amount for each share deal made during the year.
It is the bank’s customers who, through their votes, have decided how the donation is distributed, and as it turned out they felt the same engagement for all three candidates. KTH Climate Action Centre, The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation and The Baltic Salmon Foundation thereby get about a third each.
According to Karin Larsdotter, Vice Director at KTH Climate Action Centre, the donation of approximately SEK 900,000 gives the opportunity to start up some important projects earlier than planned.
”We will be able to start new pilot projects in research with the help of the additional funding. Often, a smaller start-up sum for a smaller project can enable the project to develop into something larger that gives great climate benefits”, says Karin Larsdotter.
Another area that now will be a priority is to produce inspiring information about the climate transition for both the public and organisations.
”We will start working with upper secondary schools to develop material that is relevant to young people, an important group for climate work”, says Karin Larsdotter.