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News in sustainability

  • KTH researchers supporting hydrocarbons as refrigerants in heat pumps

    Propane as an example of hydrocarbon refrigerant
    Published Mar 16, 2023

    KTH researchers take the lead on Position Paper supporting hydrocarbons as refrigerants in heat pumps

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  • Yi Yang, Division of Applied Physical Chemistry

    Yi Yang.
    Yi Yang, doctoral student at the CBH-school.
    Published Mar 16, 2023

    Yi Yang’s doctoral thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of cost-effective catalysts used in fuel cells and water electrolyzers. “The electrolyzers and fuel cells are responsible for hydrogen pr...

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  • 3D printed parts in space no "rocket science"

    Rocketship launch at European Space Agency.
    Photo: © ESA
    Published Mar 15, 2023

    The competitive space industry is now into recycling and cost hunting. By reusing rocket engines and 3D print engine parts cost can be lowered, but how will the 3D parts affect the engines? Researcher...

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  • Bombed cities in Ukraine to become climate-smart when rebuilt

    House in ruins after bombing.
    Houses in the town of Borodyanka that were bombed by the Russians a year ago.
    Published Mar 14, 2023

    Many cities in Ukraine have been bombed into ruins. A new EU initiative – UniCities, led by KTH – aims to support stakeholders in Ukraine in building competence to rebuild the cities, while also makin...

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  • Four codes that can change the future of energy use and cancer treatments

    New machines for cancer treatment could result from the new center. Photo: Wikimedia
    Published Mar 14, 2023

    Over the next four years, researchers at KTH will optimize four codes that can have significant impact on global energy use and the treatment of cancer patients. But competition is fierce between rese...

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  • Improved wireless communication can boost launch of autonomous vehicles

    vehicular wireless communication
    Published Mar 06, 2023

    Collaboration with Princeton University merges machine learning with cellular networks, making cars safer and more energy efficient. Together with experts in machine learning and wireless communicatio...

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  • New research centre shaping the future of food

    Man and woman outdoors.
    Francisco Vilaplana and Rebecka Milestad have worked on starting KTH FOOD for several years. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH
    Published Mar 02, 2023

    KTH FOOD is a new research centre for sustainable and healthy food systems which aims to engage and align the education, research, and outreach competences at KTH towards a sustainable and healthy foo...

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  • “To carry on researching has been my lifeline”

    Woman close to wall
    Krystyna Heti came from UKraine one year ago and is now a researcher at KTH.
    Published Feb 24, 2023

    As the sirens howled, the windows in her apartment smashed and the university was bombed, Krystyna Heti and her mother fled Ukraine in early March last year. She is now a researcher at KTH in the fie...

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  • Saving energy – a mission for everyone at KTH

    Red brick house facades in twilight light. Snow on the ground.
    Borggården, KTH Campus. Photo: Fredrik Persson.
    Published Feb 17, 2023

    KTH needs to save energy. KTH’s energy-saving measures and electricity consumption must also be reported to the Swedish Energy Agency on a regular basis, as per the government’s mandate in October 202...

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  • "Without the Electrum lab, we would never have been able to start"

    Published Feb 16, 2023

    The increasing electrification of various parts of our society goes far beyond securing electricity supplies. It is also about minimising losses and developing an infrastructure that, among other thin...

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  • KTH builds sensor network for earthquake early-warning system

    Destroyed wall structure after earthquake
    Earthquakes are one of Earth’s most harmful natural disasters. The KTH-led project ArtEmis is developing systems technology that can forecast earthquakes at an early stage. Photo: Mostphotos
    Published Feb 15, 2023

    Future predictability of severe earthquakes – the goal of the KTH-led European research project ArtEmis. “By combining several measurement parameters simultaneously, we hope that research into earthq...

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  • Reducing global misuse of antibiotics with digital dipsticks

    Emre Iseri in the lab
    Published Feb 08, 2023

    Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today, but we still overtreat many infections with antibiotics—urinary tract infections being one of the most common. A digital dip...

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  • New project on digital solutions for value recovery in manufacturing

    Person in manufacturing
    Photo: This is engineering, Unsplash.
    Published Feb 07, 2023

    A four-year research project involving KTH and partners from 9 countries kicked-off in January 2023. The project will focus on the development of an open access platform for lifecycle information mana...

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  • KTH-led project develops next-generation biorefineries

    Photo of Efthymios Kantarelis.
    Efthymios Kantarelis, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at KTH.
    Published Jan 31, 2023

    Researchers from KTH and Lund University will develop an integrated alcohol biorefinery for the production of industrially important chemicals (IIC) and energy carriers from Swedish biomass.

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  • Flow research for an energy-efficient future

    Portrait of Shervin Bagheri.
    Shervin Bagheri, Professor of Fluid Mechanics at KTH, receives the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants 2023. (Photo: Erik Thor)
    Published Jan 31, 2023

    Shervin Bagheri is conducting research into how flowing fluids and gases interact with surfaces and materials. He now has funding from ERC Consolidator Grants 2023 to study what are known as self-lubr...

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  • Earlier diagnosis of cancer with Lucky Loop

    Filipe de Palma Marques at the MST lab
    Published Jan 25, 2023

    If you have a cyst, you want the doctor to be able to tell you how severe it is. But until now, this has been more complex than it sounds. The new start-up Lucky Loop will help diagnose pancreatic can...

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  • INDEK researcher granted 5.1 million SEK for project about CO2 emissions

    Published Jan 24, 2023

    New grant worth SEK 5.1 million by Marianne and Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse for the project"Impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on firm behavior and CO2 emissions".

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  • KTH and Alstom in joint effort for a sustainable European railway system

    Train in snow landscape.
    KTH and Alstom are collaborating to develop train traffic in Europe as part of the EU's commitment to sustainable transport. (Photo: Alstom / KBD Bilder AB)
    Published Jan 16, 2023

    The EU is focusing heavily on sustainable travel. With Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), the vision is to introduce a high-capacity, highly reliable integrated European railway system in orde...

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  • Replacing wood and charcoal stoves in Africa could save half a million lives every year

    Two people hauling bundles of chopped wood on their shoulders on a rural road.
    A new study assigns actual value to the negative aspects of traditional cooking methods in the developing world, including lost time due to collecting wood or other burnable biomass. Pictured, women carry firewood for cooking at home in Kenya. (Photo: Youssef Boulkaid)
    Published Jan 12, 2023

    Half a million lives could be saved each year in sub-Saharan Africa by taking action to reduce reliance on traditional wood- and charcoal-burning stoves, a new study shows.

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  • Nanoparticles in emissions on researcher’s radar

    Published Jan 05, 2023

    Nanoparticles are everywhere, but we don't know how many or how toxic they are to humans and nature. The nPETS project involves researchers from all over Europe who visit road tunnels and airports to ...

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