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News in sustainability

  • Grön BoStad Stockholm granted an additional 15 million SEK

    Published Dec 11, 2018

    The Grön BoStad Stockholm platform is working to strengthen sustainable urban development in the housing sector. The Structural Funds Partnership Stockholm have now decided to invest another 15 millio...

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  • Strengthen your company's cyber security with KTH's Online Course in Ethical Hacking

    Published Oct 24, 2018

    Apply to the Online Course in Ethical Hacking open for businesses by December 15.

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  • Emissions remain high, despite reductions

    Business air travel has to be reduced further if KTH is going to reach its long-term environmental goals, says Göran Finnveden. (Photo: TT)
    Published Jun 12, 2015

    Internal carbon taxes and a discussion concerning those researchers and teachers who really need to travel; these are just a few of the proposals for reducing KTH’s carbon footprint. Even if the emiss...

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  • Better theoretical grasp would boost sustainable development

    Students need to have a more solid theoretical ground to stand on where sustainable development is concerned, says the environmental researcher Anna Björklund (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Jun 25, 2014

    No doubt, sustainable development engages the interest of both students and teaching staff. It is also a prioritised area for KTH Royal Institute of Technology. At the same time, even amongst the teac...

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  • Air current tracking may make flights greener

    Philipp Schlatter, left, and Luca Brandt aim to create the first-ever full simulation of turbulent air currents on an entire aircraft wing. (Photo: Marc Femenia)
    Published May 15, 2014

    Researchers into Fluid Mechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology are notching up further successes and have recently received a number of prestigious grants. One of the goals is to be first in th...

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  • Researcher says consumption contradicts sustainability

    Our consumption is the crucial question for a sustainable society, according to the Environmental researcher Karin Bradley (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Mar 03, 2014

    To be an environmental researcher also entails a responsibility to enter the debate on social priorities. This is the opinion of Bradley who undertakes research into how lifestyles influence the envir...

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  • Environmental investment is good business

    Published Nov 20, 2013

    A strengthened brand, proud employees and money saved. To invest in the environment and sustainability is profitable for companies. But more reliable methods are needed for accurately evaluating envir...

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  • Web firestorm raises concern over free exchange in science

    Published Oct 18, 2013

    Where new research is concerned, how free is one to think out loud and express ideas? The Swedish politician, Peter Pedersen, has already found out – at some cost. When he asked an open question about...

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  • 'Paper cups don't exactly scream credibility'

    Elinor Falkman, head of communications for the KTH Energy Platform.
    Elinor Falkman from the Energy Platform challenges the conference organisers of the KTH to create the most environmentally friendly events possible. This will improve KTH's credibility, she suggests. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Dec 04, 2012

    If KTH is to become credible in environmental matters, it needs to practice what it preaches. Or more precisely, what it researches. This is the view of the Energy Platform's management, which decided...

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  • KTH's lunches become sustainable energy

    Master's student Janet Eustasie (on the right) and researcher Anders Malmquist are operating a biogas plant that transforms KTH's lunch leftovers to electricity and heat. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Jun 19, 2012

    The leftovers of your lunch that you leave on your plate are now being transformed into biogas at a research facility at the edge of the wood on Brinellvägen on KTH's campus. The experiment may become...

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  • The environmental issue to be included in all programmes

    “It is great that the course in sustainable development comes in at an early stage of the programme,” says computer engineering student Alexander Solsmed. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published May 28, 2012

    KTH is now making an extra effort with their educational programmes about environmental and sustainable development. Among other things, computer engineering students will be able to study a new cours...

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  • Jake mixes science and politics

    Jake Whitehead has political ambitions with his research – to contribute to decisions that are of benefit to the environment. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published May 16, 2012

    He is passionate about change and says that the ecological arguments must be more important than the financial with regard to growth. Jake Whitehead is at present working on two doctoral theses at the...

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  • Reawakening for local environmental work

    Holger Berling
    The environmental work has become clearer and more targeted, says Holger Berling, environmental delegate at the School of Biotechnology. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Feb 20, 2012

    Over a period of three years, a new, certifiable system designed to manage environmental issues will be built at KTH. This focus has led to a reawakening of the environmental work and has provided the...

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  • "Enticing to become the first environmental manager"

    Johan Sundqvist
    Exciting to be environmental manager at KTH, says Johan Sundqvist. (Photo: Christer Gummeson)
    Published Sep 26, 2011

    KTH now has an environmental manager. Johan Sundqvist was attracted by the fact that he would be involved from the start in a major commitment for the environment. The ambition is that the environment...

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