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Number of hits: 4

  • Study explains link between Caesarean birth and allergies

    By analysing intestinal flora, researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and other universities have found a link between Caesarean section delivery and a child's development of allergies.

  • Sustainable use of Baltic Sea natural resources based on ecological engineering

    A project working with a system analysis of all stages from harvest of algae in the Baltic Sea to biogas production have been iniated in co-operation with the municipality of Trelleborg in Southern Sweden. The project are dealing with the ecological, social and technological aspects in the production chain. Comparisons with other biomasses such as reed and blue mussels are also studied in the project. The project started during the summer of 2009 and will continue until 2011.

  • Prisma - a service to simplify applications

    Prisma is an e-service used by the Swedish Research Council (VR), Formas, Forte, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish National Space Agency, and the Swedish Institute for Educational Research. Prisma is used for applications, the review and signature process, and reporting.

  • National funding

    This page contains information on the most prominent funding agencies in Sweden relevant to KTH, how to apply for funding and when to contact the Research Support Office (RSO).

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Page responsible:Marianne Norén
Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Feb 09, 2024