Number of hits: 5
Important for you that use URKUND in Canvas
URKUND in Canvas was upgraded this summer to simplify usage and assure continued support from the supplier. During the autumn the possibility to use the old version will be deactivated and to simplify the upgrade no new assignments should use the old version.
"Get started with URKUND” - Lunch n’ learn (10/10)
Learn how plagiarism control with URKUND works and how to use the service in your course, for example in assignments.
Old version of URKUND in Canvas is now deactivated
New version of URKUND in Canvas. Read more about what you as a teacher need to do and know due to this upgrade ...
New interface for reports in URKUND
From 2th of September URKUND has a new design of the report interface. The summary of the report is now compiled into an overview that visually helps you to identify which of the matching candidates for text similarity that would need further consideration.
New routine for using URKUND outside Canvas
Now you as a teacher can log in to URKUND directly with your KTH account. The change has been made to make the login to URKUND:s web service more flexible.