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Share and find course materials in Canvas Commons

Published Jun 12, 2019

In Canvas, there is the Canvas Commons feature where you can search for different types of learning resources, such as images, videos, sounds, modules and questions. If you are a teacher, you can choose to share your own course material with other colleagues and download other teachers material for use in Canvas. Now KTH has joined Sunet:s part in Canvas Commons, which means that you can find/share material with other colleges and universities in Sweden that use Canvas.

With Canvas Commons you can share your own and use already created/published material in order to avoid "reinventing the wheel". It is possible to import and share, among other things, course, module, quiz, and task level (all levels). You can choose to use it yourself, within KTH or with the entire Sunet (with other universities that use Canvas). As a teacher, the use of Canvas Commons can be a way to reach each other teachers like yourself with collegial cooperation and to be inspired by their content.
More information on using Canvas Commons (Canvas at KTH) .

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Jun 12, 2019