Erasmus Charter and Erasmus Policy Statement for KTH
Here, you find information regarding KTH's Erasmus Charter, Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS), KTH codes and info on KTH's legal representative for Erasmus activities.
Erasmus Charter
When implementing the project, commitment must be to the policy of the Erasmus Charter. Universities from partner countries shall be made avare of these priniciples.
KTH Charter for Erasmus 2021-27 signed.pdf (pdf 237 kB)
Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) for KTH
The project proposal shall refer to the EPS of the partner universities.
KTH European policy statement (pdf 184 kB) (pdf 184 kB)
KTH codes
OID: E10209479
Business registration number: 202100-3054
Vat nr: SE202100305401
PIC code (EU): 999990946
Erasmus code: S STOCKHO04
Legal representative
Vice president for Global relations, Stefan Östlund, is the legal representative for Erasmus+ activities.
Please use this contact information, when asked for:
Title: Vice President for International relations:
Tel: +46 8 790 6000