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Register your contribution to the SoTL conference 7 March 2023

SoTL timeline for contributions. See more description on the web page under important dates

Get ready for KTH’s 5th Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference: KTH SoTL 2023 Future learning - Learning for the future. With your help, we hope to gather teachers, researchers, students and colleagues from KTH, SU and KI for a full day of learning, networking and exploring solutions to well-known challenges.

Time: Thu 2022-09-01 - Mon 2022-11-14

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With Stockholm Trio

As we are part of the new , we also welcome contributions from Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet.

We hope that you will contribute to making this conference the best yet. This year, the main theme is "Future learning Learning for the Future".

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Ideas for contributions

What type of teaching do you see for the future? We would like to hear your ideas. Are there any ways we can achieve a balance between the old and the new within teaching?Can you provide an example, an idea, or would you just like to discuss a new project with your colleagues? Here are examples of what this could include:

  • Educational challenges, opportunities, and solutions.
  • Implemented blended/hybrid learning strategies in your course that you would like to share
  • Projects that you are involved in that you would like to present or discuss
  • Other educational ideas you have been using in the classroom

Instructions for contributions

The conference languages are English and Swedish, so submissions can be made in either language.

A full paper is not required for this conference, but you can choose between different submission formats.

Call for contributions

Read about the SoTL theme for inspiration and find the

For any questions, please email the conference team: