Beta-release: Transfer of grades Canvas to Ladok
It is now possible to transfer grades, from an assignment in Canvas, to a module in Ladok. This functionality is in beta-version and is developed with the intent to make the management of grades simpler, quicker and safer.
What the functionality enables is the transfer of letter grades (A-F and P/F) from an assignment in Canvas to draft status for a Ladok module. The functionality can be found in every course room in Canvas, in the menu to the left with the link labelled "KTH Transfer to Ladok (Beta)". When you click on that link you will be prompted with a start page containing information and instructions. You can also find out more about this functionality in the training Canvas@KTH .

The functionality is a beta-release. If you stumble up on bugs or unexpected behaviour, or have questions about the functionality, contact KTH it-support, .