Administration of Canvas at KTH
Here you can, among other things, read about how Canvas rooms are created, how users are added to Canvas rooms and which roles have which permissions.
News in Canvas
Terms of use for Canvas
When you log in to Canvas, you must accept the terms of use. This is mandatory to access the platform. The terms of use shown apply to students. KTH has agreed on another version for employees and teachers in accordance with the Teacher Exemption.
Terms of use for Canvas in accordance with the Teacher Exemption
Canvas Administrator
Administrators in Canvas have access to all the school's course and examination rooms, which can facilitate local administration. A person who is to become an administrator in Canvas must have received approval from a manager and have a relevant role, as well as attend a short training course.
How Canvas rooms are created
Course and examination rooms are created when there is a specific participation list for course rounds or activity sessions in Ladok, respectively.
How users are added to Canvas
To be able to use Canvas, users must have a Canvas account. How the account is created depends on the user's relationship with KTH. Users are added to Canvas with different roles that have different permissions. Read more below about details regarding routines for each user.
Roles and permissions
All people in a Canvas room have at least one role assigned to them that decides what their permissions are and what they can do in the Canvas room. This page explains what distinguishes the roles.
Roles and permissions of Canvas users
Routine for old course rooms in Canvas
Course rooms are deactivated 60 days after the course end date and are then still visible but will no longer appear in the Overview. The rooms will be in a read-only state, which means that students will not be able to upload materials and assignments. The purpose of the routine is to make it easier for teachers and students with many course rooms in Canvas to find the relevant rooms.
Routine for old course rooms in Canvas
Restore and recover course content in Canvas
When changes in course content go wrong, courses accidentally gets reset or course materials are deleted, there are ways to restore and undo changes in Canvas. You can do a lot yourself, but more complicated recoveries require the involvement of IT support.
Restore and recover course content in Canvas
Available appointments in Canvas calendar
In Canvas' calendar, you as a teacher can create "appointment groups" for your students to reserve an appointment time with you, both individually and in groups. The students can reserve one or more of the appointment time slots with you using their calendars, and both you and the students can see that appointment in your calendars.
Available appointments with appointment groups