Register to take exam, report and certify grades
When the next semester's schedule is published, the process of preparing for examination, one of KTH's most important official exercises begins.
The work begins before the course starts by identifying the activity sessions that are to be opened for registration to take an exam.
Flow chart
Register to take exam, report and certify grades (pdf 26 kB)
Follow the activities in the flow-chart. The number connected to each activity refers to the activities listed below.
1: Identify Activity sessions
2: Link staff to course
3: Manage exam registration
4: Prepare grade reporting
5: Report and clear grades
6: Certify or reject grades
7: Decide on reconsideration
8: Prepare for removal of course grade
9: Certify removal of course grade
10: Change grade on course component
continue with activity no 6
Instructions and guides
Instruction - working in ladok för teachers and examiners
Guide for choosing dates and grades when reporting grades and when deciding on credit transfers