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Future learning environments - Priority group meeting

The future learning environments priority group addresses all issues around classrooms, scheduling and planning. Open for all staff and students.

Time: Fri 2024-04-19 12.00 - 13.30

Location: D36

Language: Swedish

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Learning spaces of the future

KTH will continuously renovate and maintain lecture theatres, introduce new technology and adapt the furnishings to current teaching methods. This can encourage new pedagogical methods but also make traditional teaching more accessible in renovated lecture theatres. Questions about how to develop the halls are discussed with students, teachers, researchers and staff.

Most important issues for the PriU group

  • How should the classrooms be designed and equipped to function as well as possible in the future?
  • How should teachers learn to use the classrooms better?
  • How can the classrooms be used more efficiently for teaching, examination and studies?
  • How can the technology become more reliable and error reporting easier?

More information about the group's latest meetings can be found here  (In Swedish)


Charlotte Hurdelbrink
Charlotte Hurdelbrink lecturer
Marika Strömberg
Marika Strömberg senior officer