Workshop: KTH Digicertus Exam - Advancing Digital Examination with Priority Group Digitalisation

The PriU groups are an informal but important and established forum for teachers, programme managers, students and others involved in education at KTH to meet, share experiences and ideas about education. The Priority Issues Working Group (PriU) for Digitalisation works with digitalisation at KTH, for different staff categories and for different activities.
Time: Fri 2024-05-31 13.15 - 15.15
Location: M311
Video link: Del 2 och 3 finns möjlighet att delta via Zoom på
Language: Swedish
Welcome to a workshop and meeting with the Priu Group digitalisation!
- A hands-on workshop (in Swedish) of KTH Digicertus, KTH's solution for lock-down examinations in computer labs, from 13:15 to 14:15. To secure your spot for this part, please register via this link: Workshop: KTH Digicertus Exam, examination in computer rooms
- Subsequent discussion about KTH Digicertus in room M311 from approximately 14:15 to 14:40.
- Discussion about hybrid teaching from around 14:40 to 15:15, based on our invitation to a discussion with the Priu Group on future learning environments, schedules, and planning.
Information about this event is available on this groupweb page, which will be continuously updated. Please note that Part 1, the workshop, is on-site, but there is an opportunity to participate in Parts 2 and 3 via Zoom
The agenda for the meeting will be updated on the Digitalization Priority group website.