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Podcast #43

Fika Chat on education development and leadership in change

Gunnar Tibert wears many "hats" at KTH. He was recently awarded the Borelius Medal for ""his significant contributions to the school's education through his forward-looking, supportive, and analytical leadership". Here, he reasons with Johan regarding change and development in education regarding pedagogy, courses and programmes offered at KTH, and leadership at the course, programme, school, and KTH levels.

Spotify #43 / KTH Play #43

Interview with Gunnar , Profile of Gunnar

Arnold Pears

Podcast #42

Fika Chat on the KTH-joint AI project taking off this autumn

This autumn, a number of new development projects will be launched within the framework of Future Education at KTH. As was the case last year, most of the projects are fairly limited in time and scope and "belong" to a school. New this year are a number of KTH-wide projects that in many cases build on last year's development projects. In this episode, Arnold Pears talks about one of the new development projects: "Pedagogical use of AI in teaching".

Spotify #42  / KTH Play #42

Arnold's profile

Mikael Lindström

Podcast #41

Fika Chat about KTH's planned move of two campuses

In November last year, KTH's Board decided to concentrate operations on three campuses - KTH Campus on Valhallavägen, in Solna and in Flemingsberg. This means that the operations in Södertälje and Kista will move to KTH Campus and Flemingsberg. It's a big decision that affects many people, not least students and employees at KTH. In this episode, KTH's Deputy President Mikael Lindström talks about the move.

Spotify #41  / KTH Play #41

KTH's activities are concentrated on three campuses (news article 22 November 2023)

About KTH's campus relocation

Mikael's profile