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Sub-Portfolio Education

Sub-Portfolio Education coordinates and is responsible for digitalisation initiatives in education and management of the digital education environment at KTH. The sub-portfolio is one of several in KTH's organisation for IT portfolio management.

Current projects and initiatives

Here you can read about all current projects and initiatives by Sub-Portfolio Education.

Current projects and initiatives

Submit suggestions to Sub-portfolio Education

If you have a perceived problem or an idea on how we can improve the digital learning environment at KTH, you can leave suggestions to the sub-portfolio by filling in the contact form below. You can also contact our portfolio office manager below.

Contact Sub-portfolio Education

Maria Lingman
Maria Lingman Portfolio office manager


Sub-Portfolio Education controls the development and management of the digital education environment at KTH and helps KTH's students, teachers and technical/administrative staff to create high-quality education together.


Sub-Portfolio Education's goal is for KTH's programmes to combine traditional campus activities with digital methods in a thoughtful and organic way. It should be just as obvious that high-quality education takes place in physical as in digital environments.

Two perspectives enable us to achieve this goal:

  1. KTH's students, teachers and technical/administrative staff are familiar with a digital education environment that is of the highest quality and is internationally competitive.
  2. KTH's students, teachers and technical/administrative staff are inspired to develop and use skills and abilities to jointly create digital education of the highest quality.

This gives us the opportunity to jointly reshape how we approach education and learning, making KTH's education more attractive and effective as well as increasing the quality of education.

Target groups

Sub-Portfolio Education's target groups are:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Technical/administrative staff

Core values

The core values that guide Sub-Portfolio Education can be summarised in four phrases:

  • Moving forward together
  • Order and clarity
  • Innovation, efficiency and legal certainty
  • Teaching and communication

The organisation of sub-portfolio education

The sub-portfolio is governed by a steering group with representatives from KTH's education operations. At a tactical level, the portfolio office operates with team and administration leaders and a sub-portfolio council with unit managers. At an operational level, different delivery and project teams work in cross-functional collaborations with other operational teams in IT, EDO and the Department of Learning.

Steering group

Portfolio Office

Sub-portfolio council

Delivery and collaboration teams

One of several sub-portfolios at KTH

Sub-Portfolio Education is part of the portfolio management that is being developed at KTH.