Doctoral student at KTH
Here you will find compiled information about doctoral studies/third-cycle education at KTH, including relevant steering documents and practical information about, for example, supervision, individual study plans, preparations for disputations and qualification.
Doctoral programmes, subject areas and courses
Third-cycle studies at KTH are conducted within doctoral programmes, where one programme may contain one or more subject areas. As a doctoral student, you will take a certain number of courses, as specified in your individual study plan.
Supervision and individual study plan (ISP)
All doctoral students will have at least two supervisors, one of whom is the main supervisor. The supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the student’s studies and research project are proceeding according to plan. Third-cycle studies are guided by an individual study plan (ISP), which is based on the current subject-specific study plan. The ISP shall contain the commitments of both KTH and the doctoral student, as well as a time plan for the studies.
Supervision and individual study plan
Working conditions for different categories of doctoral students
There may be differences in the working conditions for doctoral students employed by KTH, industry-employed doctoral students and scholarship holders.
Thesis, thesis defence and qualification
Here you will find information about the thesis, licentiate seminar, thesis defence and qualification. Start preparing well in advance!
Thesis, thesis defence and qualification
Support for doctoral students
The PhD Chapter within the Student union THS represents KTH’s doctoral students and organises social activities. The PhD Student Advisor offers free support and advice. Students with permanent disabilities can receive support from "Funka". KTH Relocation offers support to foreign doctoral students who move to Sweden.