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Thesis, thesis defence and qualification

KTH has common rules for theses, licentiate seminars, disputations and qualifications. Further to these, schools may have additional or more stringent requirements, so it is important to also check these in plenty of time – at least six months before the licentiate seminar or disputation. Reference to the schools’ information can be found below.

Doctoral thesis and licentiate thesis

Licentiate theses and doctoral theses at KTH shall be printed in at least 30 copies, one copy shall be kept by the KTH library. All academic papers and theses must be marked with ISBN numbers, which are provided by the KTH library. Other codes may also be applicable, such as TRITA and ISSN. Please check with the KTH Library  and your school.

All doctoral theses and licentiate theses are to have uniform covers, see Cover , and tips for the insert  .

Other requirements for academic papers/theses are stated in Guideline on Third-Cycle Studies

Posting of a thesis

Doctoral theses and licentiate theses at KTH must be handled in accordance with a unified procedure and be made available (posted) in both printed and electronic form at least three weeks prior to the doctoral disputation or licentiate seminar. Find out about the KTH library’s procedures (below) well in advance

Posting of doctoral thesis or licentiate thesis

Thesis defence and licentiate seminar

At KTH, thesis defences and licentiate seminars may take place during the periods 7 January - 15 June and 15 August - 20 December. The doctoral student must notify the school concerned of his/her request for a thesis defence/licentiate seminar at least five weeks prior to the scheduled date. Schools may, however, require that such notification be made at an earlier stage. Notification shall be made using the special form that can be found in the forms archive .

Nothing in KTH's guidelines for postgraduate education prevents one or more participants in a defense from being present remotely.

Digital defenses and licentiate seminars are encouraged both for quality reasons (due to the possibilities of broader international participation in the grading committee and as an opponent) and for sustainability reasons (reduced travel).

All defenses and licentiate seminars on campus must be made accessible to viewers digitally.

Technical Support:

KTH IT-Support: email; phone 087906600

KTH’s steering document concerning thesis defence and licentiate seminars

Guideline on Third-Cycle Studies

Information from KTH’s schools regarding preparations for thesis defence and licentiate seminar

The schools that have their own information for theses and thesis defence are listed below. Select the school you belong to!

Title of qualifications

A third-cycle qualification at KTH is referred to as a Degree of Licentiate of Engineering or a
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In individual cases, following a decision according to the below mentioned, other prefixes (e.g. , Philosophy) may be used.

Decision on other prefixes than degree

Decisions on other prefixes are made by the Director of Third Cycle Education early in the
doctoral student's studies, and never later than five weeks before the specified date for a
licentiate seminar or public thesis defense. Decisions must take into account the doctoral
student's focus in her/his studies at the first-cycle and second-cycle level or background in the subject area, as well as the focus of her/his studies on a third-cycle level at KTH.

Application for qualification

The form with which to apply for a licentiate degree or doctor’s degree can be found in the forms archive .

Conferment of doctors

KTH arranges a yearly conferment of new doctors and inauguration of new professors at Stockholm Concert Hall, which is followed by a banquet in Stockholm City Hall. These events are ceremonial and are not compulsory. Read more about KTH’s academic ceremonies .