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Time plan for Ph.D. defence

Weeks to be counted is between January 7th - June 15th and August 15th - December 20th

13 weeks before

Proposal for Pre-Examine

Actions To be done by:

The form Advance reviewer for Licentiate Thesis/Doctoral thesis (FO-FOGR) (pdf 190 kB)  should be filled out and submitted to the PA (Program Director), who will review and sign it before emailing it to the School's Office of Student Affairs,


  • The advance reviewer must hold at least the title of Docent or have equivalent qualifications.

  • The advance reviewer must be sufficiently competent in the subject of the licentiate thesis/doctoral dissertation to assess if it is ready for final examination.

  • The advance reviewer cannot be one of the supervisors; the same conflict of interest rules apply as for the opponent and grading committee.See Guidelines for Handling Conflicts of Interest in Doctoral Education at the School of Engineering Sciences (pdf 197 kB)

  • Start a revision of the doctoral student's individual study plan.

Doctoral student



12 weeks before Pre-Examiner is appointed.

Opponent, Chair, and Grading Committee members are contacted

Actions To be done by:

The advance reviewer is appointed by the Director of Third Cycle Education (FA).

The supervisor contacts potential individuals who can serve as the opponent, chair of the defense, members of the grading committee, and a reserve for the grading committee. The chair of the defense should be an experienced individual and should not be one of the supervisors.

Ensure your proposals comply with the following rules:

  • The opponent must be an internationally recognized researcher in the subject area and is typically a professor at a university or college. If the opponent is not a professor, they must have at least Docent qualifications. Be aware of conflict of interest rules. See Guidelines for Handling Conflicts of Interest in Doctoral Education at the School of Engineering Sciences (pdf 197 kB)

  • The chairman must hold a doctoral degree and be employed at KTH at least 20 percent of the time. The chairman must have good knowledge of Swedish doctoral education, examinations, and the degree description for the doctoral degree. The chairman may not be one of the doctoral candidate's supervisors.

  • At least one member of the committee must be well-acquainted with Swedish doctoral education, i.e., for example, is or has been employed at a Swedish university.

  • The committee must have members of both genders.

  • A majority of the committee members must have academic qualifications equivalent to that of Docent.

  • CVs for the opponent and any committee members who are not professors and where it is not clearly stated that they hold a Docent title.

  • If anything other than physical presence is planned for any of the above-mentioned individuals, this should be noted on the Application thesis defence (FO-ANDI), and a justification for this should be attached.

  • For a committee consisting of three members, at least two members must be from outside KTH (they must not be employed at KTH). For a committee consisting of five members, at least three members must be from outside KTH (they must not be employed at KTH). Exceptions regarding the composition of the committee may only be made if a substitute is called to join the committee, provided that the requirement in Chapter 6, Section 34 of the Higher Education Ordinance is met.

  • Once all individuals have been contacted and are willing to participate, fill in the form: Application thesis defence (FO-ANDI) (pdf 178 kB) .

    If you are uncertain about anything, contact .

    Book the room where the public defense will be held.

    The respondent can request a TRITA number and ISBN number via the following link: TRITA and ISBN.

Main Supervisor

Doctoral student

9 weeks before

Forms are sent to the Program Administrator

Actions To be done by:

The following documents are sent to the Program Director (PA) for the relevant doctoral program:

NOTE: Final printing must not be done until the decision on the defense has been made and the dissertation has been approved by the FA.

Main Supervisor

Doctoral student


8 weeks before

Notification of Defense - Forms must be received by the SCI Office.

Actions To be done by:

The forms Application thesis defence (FO-ANDI), Summary of advance review (FO-SUKV), Distribution List (FO-DIDO), and the preliminary dissertation are sent to the School's Office of Student Affairs,, for processing. They are then uploaded to the FA for review and approval.

5 weeks before

Decision on Defense

Actions To be done by:

The decision on the defense is made by the FA.

The opponent and grading committee are appointed.

The decision on the defense is written and distributed by the School's Office of Student Affairs.


Doctoral studies officer

4-3 weeks before

Publication and Printing

Actions To be done by:

An electronic version of the thesis is published in KTH's publication database DIVA in connection with the public announcement, "spikning".

Final printing of the dissertation.

Doctoral student

0 weeks Oral defence

Actions After the Defense

  To be done by:

Defence protocol sent to SCI Offices

Defence protocol registered in LADOK.


Application for degree is to be done digitally via Ladok

Main supervisor

Doctoral studies officer

Doctoral student

Licentiate seminar

Time To-do before seminar To be done by
> 10 weeks

Form FO-FOGR_Förhandsgraskare 2024-06-11.pdf (pdf 198 kB) , hand in to PA for signing, PA will send to Kansli SCI




10 weeks The advance reviewer is appointed by the director of graduate studies (FA). Contact external lic-reviewer. Book the lecture hall.



6 weeks

Send the following forms to the PA for Ph.D.-program:

- Form Anmälan – Licentiatseminarium (FO-ANLI) (pdf 228 kB) .

- The eISP must be updated in the system.

- Form Summering av kvalitetsgranskning (FO-SUKV (docx 71 kB) ).

Form Distribution list (dotx 69 kB)

- Via e-mail: Preliminary version of thesis.

- Study plan and quality assurance forms are controlled and signed by head of the Ph.D.-program (PA).

- PA forwards all enclosures to SCI Offices.



Head of Department


> 5 weeks All forms submitted to the SCI Offices. PA
4 weeks

External lic-reviewer and examiner assigned. Department and external lic-reviewer notified. The thesis is now being printed.

Posting step by step
An electronic version of the thesis is, according to the President’s decision, published in the KTH publication database DiVA at the time of exhibition.

Dir. Post-grad studies


3 weeks

The thesis shall now be distributed according the list specified in form Distribution list.

- Departments and the KTH-calendar are informed about the defence.
Decision is written from Doctoral studies officer.


Department SCI Offices

0 weeks Oral defence