Establishment process of a new graduate course

Fill in the form Bilagor-inrattande-av-kurs-(ver-240210).docx (docx 595 kB) that includes:
- A summary of what the course is about
- Clearly formulated learning goals
- Course content
- Course structure
- Qualification
- Literature
- Information on examination incl. requirements for final grade
- Contact person
Course-PM should be written in both Swedish and English.
Please note that only courses with a designated examiner approved by FA can be examined.
Processing of the case
The documents are then sent to the program manager (PA) for the doctoral program, who reviews the documents and proposes an examiner for the course.
- PA sends the documents to SCI Office,, which prepares them for the research education manager (FA) to review and approve.
- The decision to establish the course is made by the school manager.
- After the decision, SCI Education Office sends a copy to the course coordinator, education administrator at the institution/department, and PA.
- PA is responsible for entering the course syllabus into KOPPS.